Doing Your Homework Before Applying to Law Firms When considering applying to law firms for potential jobs, it is important to do your homework in advance. Doing your homework is the process of researching the law firm and gaining knowledge about the firm’s clients,...
Leading law firms will be fully open to welcome back staff this week – but don’t expect many offices to be full. A survey of the top 30 firms found the vast majority are either leaving staff to decide whether they work from home or allowing them to work flexibly at...
SRA Covid-19 cyber security warning Are your incident management plans fit for purpose in the new normal? SRA warning On April 9th, the SRA advised that “criminals have taken advantage of concern over the Covid-19 outbreak.” They noted that “The National Cyber...
Helping you work safely during Covid-19 Cyber security guidance for remote working In these challenging times, it’s sad to learn that cyber criminals are only increasing their activity as they look to capitalise on the Covid-19 crisis. With the NCSC (National Cyber...
The Coronavirus outbreak is having a major impact on firms and practices across the UK. The recent announcement from the Government has advised people to work from home, where possible. Employers are encouraged to support their staff in order to do this....